I'm looking for a way for jscs (JavaScript Code Style) do the same behavior as jshint to ignore certain rules per file with a comment at the top, or per line, with a start and end comment.
jshint example to ignore a specific rule in the file :
/* jshint undef: false */
jshint example to ignore a specific rule in a block:
// Code here will be linted with JSHint.
/* jshint ignore:start */
// Code here will be linted with ignored by JSHint.
/* jshint ignore:end */
This is available since jscs 1.6.0
Put this on top of the file to ignore all rules
// jscs:disable
Put this on top of the file to ignore a specific rule:
// jscs:disable specificRule
Also for ignoring the whole file you can add it to .jscsrc, adding an entry to excludeFiles.
To ignore all rules
// Code here will be linted with JSCS.
// jscs:disable
// Code here will be ignored by JSCS.
// jscs:enable
To ignore a specific rule:
// Code here will be linted with JSCS.
// jscs:disable specificRule
// Code here will be ignored by JSCS.
// jscs:enable specificRule