
rndc: connect failed: connection refused

This is a very annoying problem that i am having with the rndc reload

I am getting the following error:

rndc: connect failed: connection refused

However the following work fine,

[root@cbgfx ~]# service named restart
Stopping named: .                                          [  OK  ]
Starting named:                                            [  OK  ]

[root@cbgfx ~]# tail -f /var/log/messages
Aug  7 12:51:09 cbgfx named[31990]: zone 120.88.167.in-addr.arpa/IN: loaded serial 14
Aug  7 12:51:09 cbgfx named[31990]: zone loaded serial 0
Aug  7 12:51:09 cbgfx named[31990]: zone domain.com/IN: domain.com/MX 'mail.servergreek.com' has no address records (A or AAAA)
Aug  7 12:51:09 cbgfx named[31990]: zone domain.com/IN: loaded serial 14
Aug  7 12:51:09 cbgfx named[31990]: zone localhost.localdomain/IN: loaded serial 0
Aug  7 12:51:09 cbgfx named[31990]: zone localhost/IN: loaded serial 0
Aug  7 12:51:09 cbgfx named[31990]: managed-keys-zone ./IN: loaded serial 4
Aug  7 12:51:09 cbgfx named[31990]: zone domain.com/IN: sending notifies (serial 14)
Aug  7 12:51:09 cbgfx named[31990]: zone 120.88.167.in-addr.arpa/IN: sending notifies (serial 14)
Aug  7 12:51:09 cbgfx named[31990]: running

The vps has ipv6 ip address, is there anything i missed here?

Thanks in advance guys


  • I fixed it myself , it was a permission and ownership issue.To fix it you need to execute those ssh commands

    Fix rndc connection refused error

    chown root:named /etc/rndc.key

    chmod 640 /etc/rndc.key