
Exporting figures as vector graphics in .pdf-format using HG2-Update and 'painters' renderer is not working properly

I'm using the still undocumented HG2-Update to create my MATLAB plots, because they just look that much nicer.

enter image description hereenter image description here (Source: Yair Altman)

Actually, using the current version Release 2013b it works quite nicely and there are not much issues. Except one wants to export the figures as vector graphics (renderer: '-painters'), especially as pdf.

I use the commands:




There are rendering issues, the print does not contain the whole figure and some parts are cropped or non-default fonts are not recognized.

But I'd really like to stay with HG2 and I'd still like to use vector graphics. Is there any solution or workaround?


  • Exporting vector graphics using the yet not official HG2-Update is quite an issue. The .pdf-export is still totally screwed up. What is working fine is the .svg-export, apart from that the boundary box is not set properly.

    The long workaround would be: Save the plot with '-dsvg' (print-command) or 'svg' (saveas-command) as vector graphic, open the file in the open source application Inkscape and save again as .pdf with the Export area is drawing checkmark set.

    Quite complicated, so I found a way to do it via command-line directly from Matlab (Inkscape still required!):

    filename = 'test';
    inkscapepath = '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Inkscape\inkscape.exe"';
    %// save as .svg
    %// open and save with "export-area-drawing" set via command line
    system( [inkscapepath ' ' filename ...
             '.svg --export-area-drawing --export-pdf=' filename '.pdf'])

    It takes some time, but works without any known issues for now.

    Additionally delete the svg-File afterwards:

    delete([filename '.svg'])