Are there any available tweak to make Knockout support routed events?
In my perticular case I want to handle context-menu-events in the root-vm of my view and let any nested vm to set up a context-menu trigger like this:
event: { contextmenu: OnContextMenu }
If the OnContextMenu
-handler is not defined on the current vm it should route the event to it's parent-vm and so on until a handler is found.
Currently I have to do like this (which is kind of error prone)
event: { contextmenu: $parents[3].OnContextMenu }
Or are there other ways of doing this allready?
Found a simple solution. I'm using the built-in DOM event bubbling and then on the root-element I catch the event and get the vm using ko.dataFor, like this:
self.OnContextMenu = function (vm, e) { // the root-vm
vm = ko.dataFor(;
if (vm && vm.contextMenu) {