
How to get JIRA Agile issues assigned to the current sprint for the current user using the JIRA REST API?

I'm getting started working with the JIRA REST API. I've learned how to get all the issues assigned to the current user:


...now I am trying to filter those by the current sprint. I think this functionality is provided by the JIRA Agile (Greenhopper) plugin, but I can't find any documentation for it. I came across some interesting data which appears to be the identifier for the sprint that the issue is assigned to:

customfield_10005: [
  "com.atlassian.greenhopper.service.sprint.Sprint@3094f872[rapidViewId=30,state=CLOSED,name=Sprint 2014-06-02,startDate=2014-06-02T00:00:37.672-07:00,endDate=2014-06-08T11:59:00.000-07:00,completeDate=2014-06-09T10:23:13.983-07:00,id=45]"

...but it just looks like a serialized mess. How can I query for the issues assigned to the current sprint?


  • The method you are looking for is


    Its only working with JIRA Agile Version 6.5 or higher.

    //* EDIT: Greenhopper got renamed to JIRA Agile *//

    The method definition is:

    Search for issues that are assigned to a Sprint which has not yet been completed. (Note that it is possible for an issue to belong to both a completed Sprint(s) and an incomplete Sprint(s).)

    So this should work for you then

    assignee in (currentUser()) AND sprint in openSprints()
