
How to permanently exclude one test class in a Maven build

I'm trying to exclude a single test from my maven build (I don't want the test to be compiled or executed). The following doesn't work:

<project ...>

What is the correct way to achieve my goal? I know that I can use the command-line option -Dmaven.test.skip=true, but I would like this to be part of the pom.xml.


  • Skip the test

    From the docs, if you want to skip a test, you can use:


    See the diference, in your example, you use <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>, and the docs say that you shoul use <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId> plugin instead.

    And, if you want to disable all test, you can use:


    Also, if you are using JUnit, you can use @Ignore, and add a message.

    Exclude the test from compilation

    From this answer, you can use. The trick is intercept the <id>default-testCompile</id> <phase>test-compile</phase> (default test compile phase) and exclude the class:
