
Filename string is used without and with @ sign

The iOS SpeakHere example code has a pair of methods in Class SpeakHereController, stopRecord and record that respectively save and initialize a file for saving the recording. The two methods handle the filename string slightly differently as you can see in the following two lines of code in those methods.

recordFilePath = (CFStringRef)[NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"recordedFile.caf"];

The string "recordedFile.caf" occurs once preceded by an @ sign and once without. I am planning on using the following NSString constuct to produce filename, but I don't know how to use the result correctly in the two places mentioned in this paragraph. So my question is how to use the constructed string filename in those lines?

@property int counter;
NSString *filename = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"recordedFile%d.caf",self.counter];


  • try

    recorder->StartRecord(CFSTR([filename UTF8String]));