
How do I calculate average ping response time in Powershell using Test-Connection?

I am new to PS scripting. I am in need of help with my code. purpose: ping a list of IP's from a .txt file and output the result in csv format. Here is my code thus far.

$Iplist = Get-Content ips.txt
$group = $()
foreach ($ip in $Iplist)
   $status = @{ "ServerIP Name" = $ip; "TimeStamp" = (Get-Date -f s) }
   if (Test-Connection $ip -Count 4 -ea 0 | measure-Object -Property ResponseTime -Average)
        $status["Results"] = "Up"
        $status["Results"] = "Down"
   New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $status -OutVariable serverStatus
   $group += $serverStatus
$group | export-csv c:\ping\results.csv -NoTypeInformation


  • Test-Connection returns a Win32_PingStatus object.

    To see what else is available on this object in PowerShell type:

    $ping = Test-Connection www.google.com #or insert favorite url here
    $ping | Format-List | Out-String

    Test-Connection doesn't just return a bool. You're really close but you have to assign the return value in order to calculate the average on success:

    $Iplist = Get-Content ips.txt
    $group = @()
    foreach ($ip in $Iplist) {
      $status = @{ "ServerIP Name" = $ip; "TimeStamp" = (Get-Date -f s) }
      $pings = Test-Connection $ip -Count 4 -ea 0
      if ($pings) {
        $status["AverageResponseTime"] =
            ($pings | Measure-Object -Property ResponseTime -Average).Average
        $status["Results"] = "Up"
      else {
        $status["Results"] = "Down"
      New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $status -OutVariable serverStatus
      $group += $serverStatus
    $group | Export-Csv c:\ping\results.csv -NoTypeInformation