I've written a component to 'wrap' a semantic-ui 'dropdown' ui element.
Within this 'dropdown' I need to use a #link-to to generate a link that will 'fire' when a row is selected. I would like to define a helper that would allow me to manipulate the string that would otherwise be the dropdown menu row's visible content. A concrete example would be capitalizing the string.
How do I do this ?
Thanks Dave
Helpers are accessible in all templates. Unless I am missing something this is as simple as:
Em.Handlebars.helper('capitalize', function(string) {
return string.capitalize();
And in your components template, something like:
{{#each dropDownItems}}
<li>{{#link-to link}}{{capitalize text}}{{/link-to}}</li>
Of course the exact template depends on how your component is structured.
is a method available on Em.String
throughout your app.
You can read more about Ember helpers here.