I have two text boxes for first name and last name. Admin can search records either by first name or last name from respective text boxes. I make an api calls sending first name or last name to fetch records.
What I want is to provide just one textbox. Here admin can type either firstname or last name or full name. How can I sort out these names and make an api call. if user has typed only first name then i send only first name in api call. If he has provided both name I send both names. I first check in which textbox he has typed and accordingly I make api calls
$params = array(
'return' => array(
'version' => 3,
'sequential' => 1,
'limit' => 25,
'first_name' = "Shrinidhi",
'last_name' = "Kulkarni"
$contact = civicrm_api('Contact', 'get', $params);
Try this:
$sql = "SELECT 'first_name','display_name','image_URL','last_name','phone','email' from Contact where 'shrinidhi' in (first_name,last_name)";
For further reference: http://www.vedaconsulting.co.uk/civicrm/civicrm-executing-custom-sql/