
Delphi 2006-2010 error: "Cannot create file C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\EditorLineEnds.ttr"

I am getting an error after installing Delphi 2007 (Edit: This problem occurs in all Delphi versions from 2006 to 2010) that I can not figure out and have never seen before. After restarting I can launch the program without any problems, but if I were to close out of the program and start again it will give me the following error:

"Cannot create file C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\EditorLineEnds.ttr". The process cannont access the file because it is being use by another process."

"System" has a handle on this file that cannot be cleared unless I reboot. I can also correct the problem by renaming the file before I launch the program.

I have tried reinstalling the program with no luck.

Version installed: CodeGear™ Delphi® 2007 for Win32® R2 Version 11.0.2902.10471. Operation System: Windows 7 Pro 64bit

Update 08/14 13:35 EDT Tried the following solutions, but still having the same file lock issue:

  1. Renamed Temp Directory to a directory I know had full security rights. Files would be created in this directory when launching Delphi, but EditorLineEnds.ttr would still get locked by SYSTEM and prevent me from relaunching.
  2. Uninstalled the following security updates KB2982791 and KB2976897, but this did not solve the problem. I have suppressed windows updates for now and will try uninstalling all security patches for 8/13.
  3. Uninstalled Delphi completely and re-installed. Problem still occurs after re-installing everything.

I will try reinstalling Windows from scratch and install Delphi before Windows updates to see if updates are truly the cause. My workaround for now is just renaming EditorLineEnds.ttr before launch Delphi.


  • There are three solutions to this that I am aware of:

    1. Try uninstalling the Windows security update KB2982791 which was already mentioned by Francisco Caffagni. This solved the issue for me (Windows 8.1 + Delphi 2007) but it might not be such a good idea to uninstall a Windows security update.
    2. Rename the file every time you start Delphi. See below for a simple program that does it for you.
    3. Use Andreas Hausladen's IdeFixpack (Delphi 2007 version, beware that version 4.4 does not work under Windows 8, version 4.3 seems to work), (for later Delphi versions) Note that the editor option Show Lineends will use a different character if you use this fix because the IDE won't load the EditorLineEnds.ttr font any more. (Solution 1 and 2 don't have this drawback, but who uses that option anyway?)

    Note: Microsoft withdrew this fix a few days later and issued a new one KB2984615 on 2014-08-27. Unfortunately this did not fix the issue for me. Maybe uninstalling KB2982791 first and then installing KB2984615 might work, but I haven't tried it.

    I wrote a simple program, that solves the issue for me:

    It uses FindFirstChangeNotification / FindNextChangeNotification and checks whether that file exists and if yes, moves it to a unique subdirectory in %temp%.

    Binary download

    The source code is available from sourceforge.