I have a form field with a group of checkboxes and at least one of the many checkboxes must be selected in order to submit the form.
How do I use YUI3 rules to make this happen?
Many thanks, S
rules: {
fname: {
required: true,
email: {
required: true,
email: true
tel: {
required: true,
digits: true,
dob: {
date: true,
fieldContainer: '.form__item',
containerErrorClass: 'form__item--error',
<fieldset class="form__item form__item--group">
<legend class="form__item__label">
A group of checkboxes
<div class="form__item__label__instructions">
Select one of them.
<input name='errorMessageAnchor' hidden/>
<label class="form__item__label" for="cb1">
<input id="cb1" name="cbName" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" /> One
<label class="form__item__label" for="cb2">
<input id="cb2" name="cbName" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" /> Two
<label class="form__item__label" for="cb3">
<input id="cb3" name="cbName" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" /> Three
<label class="form__item__label" for="cb4">
<input id="cb4" name="cbName" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" /> Four
Looking at the source for aui-form-validator, the use of mix indicates how to approach a solution.
For simplicity, I've also included a usage of gallery-checkboxgroups
, specifically for CheckboxGroup to have access to allUnchecked
<form id="myForm">
<div class="control-group">
<h5>Checkbox Group (requries at least 1 selection)</h5>
Checkbox 1<input type='checkbox' class='checkbox' name='cbName'/><br/>
Checkbox 2<input type='checkbox' class='checkbox' name='cbName'/><br/>
Checkbox 3<input type='checkbox' class='checkbox' name='cbName'/>
<input class="btn btn-info" type="button" value="Submit"/>
function(Y) {
var group = new Y.CheckboxGroup(Y.all('.checkbox'))
var CONFIG = Y.config.FormValidator;
Y.mix(CONFIG.RULES, {atLeastOneCheckbox: function(val, fieldNode, ruleValue) {
return !group.allUnchecked()
var validator = new Y.FormValidator(
boundingBox: '#myForm',
rules: {
cbName:{custom:true, atLeastOneCheckbox:true}
To override the default error message
Y.mix(CONFIG.STRINGS,{atLeastOneCheckbox:"Pick at least 1"});
By default the form validator is going to validate onBlur
and since all the checkboxes share the same name
, the error message will move around respectively to the last "failed" validation field. To address this issue, place a hidden field <input name='errorMessageAnchor' hidden/>
above the group, and associate the error with that field by replacing cbName
in the rules
errorMessageAnchor:{custom:true, atLeastOneCheckbox:true}