What is the proper way to register users automatically when they log in with openid?
I am using authlogic with an authlogic-oid gem (and an older version of openid_authentication). The stuff I read online so far seems to be obsolete.
Does anyone know the proper way to do it with the new gem?
What I do now is:
options = params[:user_session] || {}
[:openid_identifier].each { |k| options[k] = params[k] if params[k] }
@user_session = UserSession.new(options)
@user_session.save do |result|
if result
flash[:notice] = "Login successful! (#{result.inspect})"
redirect_back_or_default account_url
render :action => :new
By the way, I don't see the Login Successful flash (but that is not that big of a deal).
Here is a version with working auto_register http://github.com/mreinsch/authlogic_openid/tree/master