I have one problem, and don't know how to solve it using camel. I searched for related EIP in camel documentation, but without results.
Now I have simple route:
<route id="routeId">
<from uri="Source1"/>
<from uri="Source2"/>
<to uri="Destination"/>
Both sources sends JMS messages to Destination and at some point when Source finish its job it send specific end message, with some flag. What I need to do is to collect or count those end messages and send single end message to destination when I receive end messages from both sources. Only when i receive two end messages (imagine that its just simple message with some header flag) then i should send single one to destination.
Sorry if problem explanation isn't clear enough.
Thanks in advance.
the Camel aggregator and filter patterns can be used for this scenario...
something like this...
.aggregate(constant(true), new MyAggregationStrategy())
.completionPredicate(new MyCompletionStrategy())