
Handle back button pressed in BaseGameActivity or SurfaceView

When I created my MainActivity class, I change the "extends" to extends BaseGameActivity to implement Google+ login. There are some downsides to this. I can no longer handle onBackPressed() and onTouchEvent(MotionEvent e). This kind of sucks.

Fixing onTouchEvent was easy. My game uses SurfaceView which can take touch input. But for onBackPressed, I cannot simply do this.

Anyone know how to handle back button pressed events. I saw there was a onKeyDown() method in both surfaceview and basegameactivity but from prior experience, I'm pretty sure that is only for devices with API version 5 and older, right? Someone know how to do this?


  • is not called because it is only in Activity

    You are actually using the support version of the Activity which is the FragmentActivity which you can call onBackpressed programatically.


    You can create a method for onBackPress functionality and call it whenever you want. But Also I really think that it should be called upon pressing the back button because it is a support version of activity means it extends from Activity under the hood of it.
