
Nullable values in C++

I'm creating a database access layer in native C++, and I'm looking at ways to support NULL values. Here is what I have so far:

class CNullValue
    static CNullValue Null()
        static CNullValue nv;

        return nv;

template<class T>
class CNullableT
    CNullableT(CNullValue &v) : m_Value(T()), m_IsNull(true)

    CNullableT(T value) : m_Value(value), m_IsNull(false)

    bool IsNull()
        return m_IsNull;

    T GetValue()
        return m_Value;

    T m_Value;
    bool m_IsNull;

This is how I'll have to define functions:

void StoredProc(int i, CNullableT<int> j)
    ...connect to database
    ...if j.IsNull pass null to database etc

And I call it like this:

sp.StoredProc(1, 2);


sp.StoredProc(3, CNullValue::Null());

I was just wondering if there was a better way than this. In particular I don't like the singleton-like object of CNullValue with the statics. I'd prefer to just do

sp.StoredProc(3, CNullValue);

or something similar. How do others solve this problem?


  • Boost.Optional probably does what you need.

    boost::none takes the place of your CNullValue::Null(). Since it's a value rather than a member function call, you can do using boost::none; if you like, for brevity. It has a conversion to bool instead of IsNull, and operator* instead of GetValue, so you'd do:

    void writeToDB(boost::optional<int> optional_int) {
        if (optional_int) {
            pass *optional_int to database;
        } else {
            pass null to database;

    But what you've come up with is essentially the same design, I think.