
How to use Retrofit and SimpleXML together in downloading and parsing an XML file from a site?

I just started working with Retrofit. I am working on a project that uses SimpleXML. Can somebody provide me an example in which one fetches an XML from a site e.g." and reads it out?


  • You will create an interface as a new class in your project:

    public interface ApiService {
        YourObject getUser();

    Then in your activity you will call the following:

    RestAdapter restAdapter = new RestAdapter.Builder()
                        .setConverter(new SimpleXmlConverter())
    ApiService apiService = restAdapter.create(ApiService.class);
    YourObject object = apiService.getXML();

    To get your libraries correctly, in your build.gradle file you need to do the following:

    configurations {
        compile.exclude group: 'stax'
        compile.exclude group: 'xpp3'
    dependencies {
        compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
        compile 'com.squareup.retrofit:retrofit:1.6.1'
        compile 'com.mobprofs:retrofit-simplexmlconverter:1.1'
        compile 'org.simpleframework:simple-xml:2.7.1'
        compile ''

    Then you need to specify YourObject and add annotations to it according to the structure of the xml file

    @Root(name = "breakfast_menu")
    public class BreakFastMenu {
        @ElementList(inline = true)
        List<Food> foodList;
    public class Food {
        @Element(name = "name")
        String name;
        @Element(name = "price")
        String price;
        @Element(name = "description")
        String description;
        @Element(name = "calories")
        String calories;