I have an array of objects and I want to implode a specific private property from each object to form a delimited string.
I am only interested on one of the properties of that array. I know how to iterate the data set via foreach()
but is there a functional-style approach?
$ids = "";
foreach ($itemList as $item) {
$ids = $ids.$item->getId() . ",";
// $ids = "1,2,3,4"; <- this already returns the correct result
My class is like this:
class Item {
private $id;
private $name;
function __construct($id, $name) {
//function getters.....
Sample data:
$itemList = [
new Item(1, "Item 1"),
new Item(2, "Item 2"),
new Item(3, "Item 3"),
new Item(4, "Item 4")
Use array_map
before you implode
$ids = implode(",", array_map(function ($item) {
return $item->getId();
}, $itemList));