
IOCP recv AND send

All the examples I have found so far either only read OR write or were 10000 line beasts where I didn't even know where to start to understand how they work.

To test my code I pointed a browser at my server and sent a simple http request. The results are confusing.

For example at one point GetQueuedCompletionStatus returns and WSARecv says it read the number of bytes of the http response I sent although this response should (and does) end up at the client and the recvbuffer isn't even filled with those bytes.

Also I don't understand when to free my buffers once the other browser closes the connection since GetQueuedCompletionStatus keeps returning a few times after my call to closesocket.

Further I don't know when there is data to read or data to write once GetQueuedCompletionStatus returns. I could just try both and see which fails but that seems rude.

To reveal any misconceptions I might have about IOCP I wrote some pseudo code to convey what I think my code does:

main {
    create server socket
    create io completion port
    while true {
        accept client socket
        create completion port for client socket
        create recv buffer and send buffer for client
        call WSARecv once with 0 bytes for whatever reason

worker thread {
    while true {
        wait until GetQueuedCompletionStatus returns
        do something if that failed, not quite sure what (free buffers?)
        if no bytes were transferred, close socket
        try to recv data
        try to send data

Actual code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <winsock2.h>

#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024

typedef struct {
    WSAOVERLAPPED overlapped;
    SOCKET socket;
    WSABUF sendbuf;
    WSABUF recvbuf;
    char sendbuffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
    char recvbuffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
} client;

DWORD WINAPI worker_thread(HANDLE iocp){
    DWORD flags = 0, n = 0;
    ULONG unused;
    client *c;

    while (1){
        int ret = GetQueuedCompletionStatus(iocp, &n, &unused, (LPOVERLAPPED*)&c, INFINITE);
        printf("%3d triggered\n", c->socket);

        if (ret == FALSE){
            printf("%3d GetQueuedCompletionStatus error %i\n", c->socket, WSAGetLastError());

        if (c->socket == INVALID_SOCKET){
            printf("error: socket already closed\n");

        if (n == 0) {
            printf("%3d disconnected\n", c->socket);
            c->socket = INVALID_SOCKET;

        /* how do I know if there is data to read or data to write? */

        WSARecv(c->socket, &(c->recvbuf), 1, &n, &flags, &(c->overlapped), NULL);
        printf("%3d WSARecv %ld bytes\n", c->socket, n);

        WSASend(c->socket, &(c->sendbuf), 1, &n, flags, &(c->overlapped), NULL);
        printf("%3d WSASend %ld bytes\n", c->socket, n);

        /* TODO handle partial sends */
        c->sendbuf.len = 0;

    return 0;

SOCKET make_server(int port){
    int yes = 1;
    struct sockaddr_in addr;
    SOCKET sock;

    WSADATA wsaData;
    WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData);

    addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
    addr.sin_port = htons(port);


    setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char*)yes, sizeof(yes));

    bind(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr));

    listen(sock, SOMAXCONN);

    return sock;

int main(){
    const char *text =
        "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"
        "Content-Length: 13\r\n"
        "Content-Type: text/html\r\n"
        "Connection: Close\r\n"
        "Hello, World!";

    SOCKET server_socket = make_server(8080);

    HANDLE iocp = CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, 0, 0);

    CreateThread(NULL, 0, worker_thread, iocp, 0, NULL);

    while (1){
        DWORD flags = 0, n = 0;
        client *c;
        struct sockaddr_in addr;
        int addrlen = sizeof(addr);

        SOCKET client_socket = WSAAccept(server_socket, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &addrlen, NULL, 0);

        printf("%3d connected\n", client_socket);

        CreateIoCompletionPort((HANDLE)client_socket, iocp, 0, 0);

        c = (client*)calloc(1, sizeof(*c));

        c->socket = client_socket;
        c->sendbuf.len = strlen(text);
        c->recvbuf.len = BUFFER_SIZE;
        c->sendbuf.buf = c->sendbuffer;
        c->recvbuf.buf = c->recvbuffer;
        strcpy(c->sendbuf.buf, text);

        /* for some reason I have to receive 0 bytes once */
        WSARecv(c->socket, &(c->recvbuf), 1, &n, &flags, &(c->overlapped), NULL);

Example output:

/* Browser makes two tcp connections on socket 124 and 128. */
124 connected
128 connected

/* GetQueuedCompletionStatus returned for socket 124. */
124 triggered

/* We received the browser's http request. */
124 WSARecv 375 bytes

/* Send http response to browser. */
124 WSASend 96 bytes

/* GetQueuedCompletionStatus returned again. */
124 triggered

/* This is wrong, we should not receive our response to the browser. */
/* Also we didn't even receive data here. */
/* recvbuffer still contains the http request. */
124 WSARecv 96 bytes

/* this is ok */
124 WSASend 0 bytes
124 triggered
124 disconnected

/* Why does GetQueuedCompletionStatus still return? the socket is closed! */
/* Also how can I tell when I can safely free the buffers */
/* if GetQueuedCompletionStatus keeps returning? */
 -1 triggered
 -1 GetQueuedCompletionStatus error 1236
 -1 triggered
 -1 GetQueuedCompletionStatus error 1236

/* same again for second http request */
128 triggered
128 WSARecv 375 bytes
128 WSASend 96 bytes
128 triggered
128 WSARecv 96 bytes
128 WSASend 0 bytes
128 triggered
128 disconnected
 -1 triggered
 -1 GetQueuedCompletionStatus error 1236
 -1 triggered
 -1 GetQueuedCompletionStatus error 1236
128 connected
128 triggered
128 WSARecv 375 bytes
128 WSASend 96 bytes
128 triggered
128 WSARecv 96 bytes
128 WSASend 0 bytes
128 triggered
128 disconnected
 -1 triggered
 -1 GetQueuedCompletionStatus error 1236
 -1 triggered
 -1 GetQueuedCompletionStatus error 1236
128 connected
128 triggered
128 WSARecv 289 bytes
128 WSASend 96 bytes
128 triggered
128 WSARecv 96 bytes
128 WSASend 0 bytes
128 triggered
128 disconnected
 -1 triggered
 -1 GetQueuedCompletionStatus error 1236
 -1 triggered
 -1 GetQueuedCompletionStatus error 1236


  • Your pseudo code workflow should look more like this instead:

    main {
        create server socket
        create io completion port
        create worker thread
        while not done {
            accept client socket
            associate client socket with completion port
            create recv, send, and work buffers for client
            call WSARecv with >0 bytes to start filling recv buffer
            if failed {
                close client socket and free associated buffers
        terminate worker thread
        close client sockets
        close server socket
    worker thread {
        while not terminated {
            call GetQueuedCompletionStatus
            if failed {
                if failed because of IO error {
                    close socket and free associated buffers
                else if not timeout {
                    handle error as needed
            else if no bytes were transferred {
                close socket and free associated buffers
            else if IO was WSARecv {
                move data from recv buffer to end of work buffer
                while work buffer has a complete message {
                    remove message from front of work buffer, process as needed
                    if output to send {
                        if send buffer not empty {
                            append output to end of send buffer, will send later
                        else {
                            move output to send buffer
                            call WSASend
                            if failed {
                                close socket and free associated buffers
                call WSARecv with >0 bytes to start filling recv buffer
                if failed {
                    close socket and free associated buffers
            else if IO was WSASend {
                remove reported number of bytes from front of send buffer
                if send buffer not empty {
                    call WSASend
                    if failed {
                        close socket and free associated buffers

    I will leave it as an exercise for you to translate that into your code.