I'm trying to automate the installation of drivers with windows PE. After booting PE and looking for the devices I get such an output:
devcon status *pci*
Name: PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge
Driver is running.
Name: Coprocessor
The device has the following problem: 28
Now, I'm only interested in the devices with an error/problem.
How can I figure out which devices are affected?
I tried it with findstr:
devcon status *pci* | findstr /n /i "pci\\ name problem"
But i always get all devices, not only the faulty ones.
The easiest way seems to use a file
devcon status *pci* > devcon.txt
findstr /n /i "problem" devcon.txt
with this I get the line numbers. But how can I read now the line 2 lines above the line containing "problem"?
so, after one day of research i can answer myself my question ;)
the easyiest way to solve this problem is linux grep (from cygwin64)
i´ve installed cygwin and copied this files to pe
my commandline looks now like this
devcon status *pci * | grep -B2 -i -e problem -e stopped > errors.txt
probably i can shorten this command, but i´m happy thats working.