
Struts2 JUnit ActionContext objects

Struts ActionContext is null during test.

Using Struts2 JUnit plugin I have the following test:

public class MainActionIT extends StrutsJUnit4TestCase 
  public void testAction() {
    Map<String, Object> application = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    ActionProxy proxy = getActionProxy("/home");
    String result = proxy.execute();



The two related classes are as follows:

public class MainAction extends BaseAction 
  @Action(value = "/home", results = {@Result(name = "success", location = "home.jsp")})
  public String getHome()
    Map options = getHomeOptions();
    return SUCCESS;

public class BaseAction extends ActionSupport
  public Map getHomeOptions() 
    return ActionContext.getContext().get("application").get("options");

I'm trying to mock the "application" object of the ActionContext with a HashMap.

Values are set in the test, but once the code executes in BaseAction the values are null. Similar problem here (link) but the answer isn't correct in my case.

Is there a different ActionContext being created? If so how to pass a variable to the BaseAction?


  • ActionContext is created during the action execution. You should check this code to proof the concept.

    public void shouldAdditionalContextParamsBeAvailable() throws Exception {
        // given
        String key = "application";
        // when
        String output = executeAction("/home");
        // then
    protected void applyAdditionalParams(ActionContext context) {
        Map<String, Object> application = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        context.put("application", application);

    About the template

    applyAdditionalParams(ActionContext) Can be overwritten in subclass to provide additional params and settings used during action invocation