i want to load XML data into my php file with address data. Each address should also have coordinates - if not they should be added. So i am doing the following:
$xmlDatei = "AddressData.xml";
$xml = simplexml_load_file($xmlDatei);
if($xml->RECORD[$i]->ADDRESS->LAT != NULL){
//get lat and lng stuff here...
$lat = .......
$lng = .......
echo "lat: " . $lat; // Test echo WORKING
echo "lng: " . $lng;
// Now i want to add the data to the xml
$xml->RECORD[$i]->ADDRESS->addAttribute('LAT', $lat);
$xml->RECORD[$i]->ADDRESS->addAttribute('LNG', $lng);
// Test echo NOT WORKING
echo $xml->RECORD[$i]->ADDRESS->LAT;
echo $xml->RECORD[$i]->ADDRESS->LNG;
So it seems like the addAttribute is not working properly here.
What am I doing wrong???
Your echo is looking for a child element called LAT
echo $xml->RECORD[$i]->ADDRESS->LAT;
But you have added an attribute, so you need to use different syntax:
echo $xml->RECORD[$i]->ADDRESS['LAT'];