
How to check if a request has post data in a Total.js controller

I want a solution to keep view and post actions on the same function, by verifying if the user submited some data.

My total.js controller is like this

# framework
exports.install = (framework) ->
  framework.route "/subscribe", subscribe
  framework.route "/subscribe", subscribe, ['post']

# subscribe form and action
subscribe = ->
  self = this
  post =

  if post
    Subscriber = self.model('subscriber') post

  self.view "form"

The problem is that post is {} when I'm just viewing the page (not submiting data), so it always enter on if.

If I compare to {} (if post isnt {}) the condition is always false, probably because is not an empty object.



  • You don't clearly understand is/isnt. Look at that example:

    coffee> {} is {}

    Surprising ? Not if you know the is test is two variable references the same object. Not identical. Really the same object:

    coffee> obj1 = {}
    coffee> obj2 = obj1
    coffee> obj1 is obj2

    You might then go to == in order to test for equivalence. But:

    coffee> {} == {}

    Unfortunately, JavaScript does not provide a easy way to test for object equality.

    In you case, you should resort on some trick. Like:

    if (i for i in post).length == 0

    Or maybe check for the presence of some key field:

    if 'type' not of post