
Cocos2d-x: add parameter in callfuncN_selector

I want to run actions for a sprite like below:

CCRotateTo* actionTo = CCRotateTo::create(0.2, 0.0f, -90.0f);

CCRotateTo* actionToBack = CCRotateTo::create(0.2, 0.0f, -180.0f);

CCFiniteTimeAction* actionChangeTexture = CCCallFuncN::create(this,
    callfuncN_selector(Paddle::spriteChangeTextture));**//*i want to send value here***

runAction(CCSequence::create(actionTo,actionChangeTexture,actionToBack, NULL));

void Paddle::spriteChangeTextture(CCNode* sender) {
  ***//i want to using parameter here, it's integer value***

How can i send value in function call. Please help


  • You can use tag in the CCNode. In your node setTag with your value. When your action was called, you can simply get yout value from sender's tag.

    CCRotateTo* actionTo = CCRotateTo::create(0.2, 0.0f, -90.0f);
    CCRotateTo* actionToBack = CCRotateTo::create(0.2, 0.0f, -180.0f);
    CCFiniteTimeAction* actionChangeTexture = CCCallFuncN::create(this,
    int value;
    setTag(value); // <-------- 
    runAction(CCSequence::create(actionTo,actionChangeTexture,actionToBack, NULL));
    void Paddle::spriteChangeTextture(CCNode* sender) {
    int value = sender->getTag; // <------------

    Another option is use CCCallFuncND when you can pass the Node and Data as parameters, but I think option with tag is simplier :)