I've got problem with opening dialog in JSF 2.2.7 and Primefaces 5. I've got button which opens a dialog and the problem is everytime when I click the button @PostConstruct method is executed. Why?
I want to invoke @PostConstruct only 1 time, but I don't want to change to scope to Session (with @SessionScope annotation it works perfectly).
It's my view:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<h:form id="f1">
<p:dialog widgetVar="trainingDialog2" id="d1">
<h:outputText value="#{userViewBean.errorMessage}" />
<br />
<p:dataTable id="dt1" value="#{userViewBean.infoList}" var="item">
<p:commandButton id="btn" update=":f1:d1"
styleClass="ui-icon ui-icon-calendar">
<f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{item.id}"
target="#{userViewBean.errorMessage}" />
It's my bean:
package pl.jrola.java.www.vigym.viewcontroller.beans.userview;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
import javax.faces.view.ViewScoped;
@ManagedBean(name = "userViewBean")
public class UserViewBean implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6994205182090669165L;
private String errorMessage;
private List<UserProfileInfoBean> infoList;
public List<UserProfileInfoBean> getInfoList() {
return infoList;
public void setInfoList(List<UserProfileInfoBean> infoList) {
this.infoList = infoList;
public UserViewBean() {
public void postConstruct() {
this.infoList = new ArrayList<UserProfileInfoBean>();
for (long i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
this.infoList.add(new UserProfileInfoBean(i));
public String getErrorMessage() {
return errorMessage;
public void setErrorMessage(String errorMessage) {
this.errorMessage = errorMessage;
You're mixing the annotations for JSF beans and CDI beans, effectively making the bean @RequestScoped, because it's the default for a @ManagedBean.
If you use JSF beans use:
If you wanna go for CDI beans use:
If your server supports CDI you should go for CDI beans.
Read more about the default scopes here: What is the default Managed Bean Scope in a JSF 2 application?