
Oracle SQL - Most purchased item in past 6 months for each row

I have data in the following format:

date        fruit
1-jan-14    orange
3-jan-14    orange
1-may-14    orange
2-may-14    apple
3-may-14    apple
1-aug-14    pineapple
2-aug-14    apple

I want to add a column which will represent: most purchased fruit in past 6 months. So, for the above example:

date        fruit       most_purchased_6_months
1-jan-14    orange      orange
3-jan-14    orange      orange
1-may-14    orange      orange
2-may-14    apple       orange
3-may-14    apple       orange
1-aug-14    pineapple   apple
2-aug-14    apple       apple

I have tried using analytical functions but the best I have reached is showing the number of times the same fruit (from the same row) has been purchased in past 6 months using "count(*) over (partition by fruit order by date range 180 preceding)".

My main issue is that using a self-join would easily solve my issue but as this is a table with about 20million rows of data it takes a few hours to run on our database. Would appreciate any direction and/or help!


  • This is your basic query:

    select date, fruit,
           count(*) over (partition by fruit order by date range 180 preceding) as NumberPurchased
    from data;

    I think you can do this with a subquery and first_value():

    select date, fruit,
           first_value(fruit) over (order by NumberPurchased desc range 180 preceding)
    from (select date, fruit,
                 count(*) over (partition by fruit order by date range 180 preceding) as NumberPurchased
          from data d
         ) d;

    I'm leaving the answer but the above doesn't work because the counts change on each row for the preceding six months.


    Here is an entirely different approach. Calculate for each day and each fruit the cumulative sum into a temporary table. Then index that table and join to it to get the most common fruit using keep:

    create table FruitCountCume as
        select f.fruit, da.date, count(*) over (partition by f.fruit order by d.date) as cumecnt
        from (select distinct fruit from data) f cross join
             (select distinct date from data) d left outer join
             data da
             on f.fruit = da.fruit and f.date = da.date;
    create index on FruitCountCume(fruit, date);
    select d1.date, d1.fruit,
           max(fruit) keep (dense_rank first order by d1.cumecnt - coalesce(d2.cumecnt, 0) desc) as MostCommon
    from FruitCountCume d1 left outer join
         FruitCountCume d2
         on d1.date = d2.date + 180
    group by d1.date;

    The full cross join may not be necessary. It is there as a convenience to make the left join more efficient.