I'm trying to use Parse SDK for iOS in my new project. It has viewController with enum property;
typedef enum {
PFLogInFieldsNone = 0,
PFLogInFieldsUsernameAndPassword = 1 << 0,
PFLogInFieldsPasswordForgotten = 1 << 1,
PFLogInFieldsLogInButton = 1 << 2,
PFLogInFieldsFacebook = 1 << 3,
PFLogInFieldsTwitter = 1 << 4,
PFLogInFieldsSignUpButton = 1 << 5,
PFLogInFieldsDismissButton = 1 << 6,
PFLogInFieldsDefault = PFLogInFieldsUsernameAndPassword | PFLogInFieldsLogInButton | PFLogInFieldsSignUpButton | PFLogInFieldsPasswordForgotten | PFLogInFieldsDismissButton
} PFLogInFields;
According to tutorial in Objective-C I should set it in this way:
[logInViewController setFields: PFLogInFieldsTwitter | PFLogInFieldsFacebook | PFLogInFieldsDismissButton];
I'm trying to do it in this way(using swift):
loginViewController.fields = PFLogInFieldsTwitter | PFLogInFieldsFacebook | PFLogInFieldsDismissButton
But I get error:"'PFLogInFields' is not convertible to 'Bool'"
So, what is the correct way to set such kind of properties?
I had the same problem as you. See this answer for how to set PFLogInFields
in Swift. It worked for me!!