I have read that Apple added support for mesh networking in iOS 7.1 and now I'm pretty curious to see some working examples and/or tutorials on how to set these things up.
Has anyone any experience on that? Basically I would like to start letting 2 iOS devices communicate with each other via Wifi (without any router or AP) or Bluetooth.
Ok, I already found everything I need. On iOS it is called Multipeer Connectivity and here are is some documentation and a tutorial: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/MultipeerConnectivity/Reference/MultipeerConnectivityFramework/Introduction/Introduction.html
Edit: There's also a good Video by Apple in their WWDC Video section: https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2014/
And here's another useful link: http://nshipster.com/multipeer-connectivity/