I am just starting with Qt Quick and QML.
I wrote a login page which loads a users id after username and password input. After the successful authentication, I need to pass this ID to the new window that is being created.
How can I do that?
login.qml snippet
BSButton {
id: btnOK
anchors.left: senhaInput.left
anchors.topMargin: 10
width: (senhaInput.width * 0.60) - 5
text: "Entrar"
isDefault: true
onClicked: {
lblMsgErro.text = ""
lblMsgErro.visible = false;
controller.autenticar(); // returns user id to pass to main.qml
QLoginController {
id: controller
login: loginInput.text
senha: senhaInput.text
onAuthenticated: {
if (success) {
var component = Qt.createComponent("main.qml");
var win = component.createObject();
} else {
senhaInput.text = "";
console.log("Falha na autenticação: Usuário e/ou senha inválidos.");
lblMsgErro.text = "Usuário e/ou senha inválidos.";
lblMsgErro.visible = true;
loginInput.focus = true;
The database stuff is working, I just don't know how to send the userid to the main.qml
Thank you in advance.
var win = component.createObject();
win.userid = login;
and your main.qml should have the property userid
var win = component.createObject(controller, {'userid':login});
it will make a property userid
for win