I'm trying to write an RQL query that does the equivalent of this sql:
select * from some_table t where t.property in (1, 2, 3, 4 ...)
I'm not sure if RQL supports this though. In the oracle docs, there's an example of how to do this on the ID property of a repository item:
ID IN { "0002421", "0002219", "0003244" ... }
but when I try to change ID in this example to the property I want to query on, I get an RQL ParseException.
Does anyone know if this is possible?
this is possible through querybuilder api(see example below). I'm not sure why this is not available through plain RQL though.
QueryExpression thePropertyExpression =
String [] zipcodeArray = {"22185", "22183"};
QueryExpression theValueExpression =
Query theQuery =
theQueryBuilder.createIncludesQuery(theValueExpression, thePropertyExpression);