I am implementing the /auth/authorize portion of the oAuth instructions here => https://github.com/SciDevs/delicious-api/blob/master/api/oauth.md#authauthorize.
I would like to start out by saying there's no problem with authentication if the redirect uri I use for authentication is a regular uri like this => http://www.example.com. The API will send me back the code I need in this format => http://www.example.com?code=blablabla .
But if the redirect uri has GET parameters attached like this => http://www.example.com?var1=abc&var2=def, the API will send me back the code I need in this format => http://www.example.com?var1=abc&var2=def?code=blablabla which is of course wrong.
Has anyone encountered this issue? If yes, has anyone solved this?
This is more of a hack that a real solution but it works.
Since I do get the code back (or more importantly its value), I just parse it from the URL. For example, using the example I used above, here are the $_GET variables I would have:
$_GET['var1'] = 'abc' and $_GET['var2'] = 'def?code=blablabla'
What I'd do is:
list($var2, $code) = explode("?code=", $_GET['var2']);
... and I'll still get the code I need to acquire an access token.