I am fetching data from a database like this.
select categories.categorie_name, count(*)
from names
join categories on names.categories_id=categories.categories_id
group by categories.categorie_name
order by 2
i got as a result 2 columns
categorie_name | count(*)
how ever when I try to acces the count(*) column from my view I can not print what is in the column.
<?php foreach ($categories as $categorie)
echo $categorie->categorie_name." ".$categorie->count(*)."<br>";
can you please advice how to solve this?
Try this
select categories.categorie_name, count(*) as cnt
from names
join categories on names.categories_id=categories.categories_id
group by categories.categorie_name
order by 2
then use cnt like $categorie->cnt;