I have a simple rsvp helper that lets me wrap an ajax call as a simple promise
var PromiseMixin = Ember.Object.create({
promise: function(url, type, hash) {
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
hash.success = function(json) {
return Ember.run(null, resolve, json);
hash.error = function(json) {
if (json && json.then) {
json.then = null;
return Ember.run(null, reject, json);
This works great and is then-able like you'd expect. The problem is when I have code that needs another promise that wraps this low level one first.
In my ember controller I might do this
Appointment.remove(this.store, appointment).then(function() {
}, function() {
self.set('formErrors', 'The appointment could not be deleted');
In my Appointment model I'm doing this for the "remove"
remove: function(store, appointment) {
return this.xhr('/api/appointments/99/', 'DELETE').then(function() {
//but how I do return as a promise?
}, function() {
//and how can I return/bubble up the failure from the xhr I just sent over?
xhr: function(url, type, hash) {
hash = hash || {};
hash.url = url;
hash.type = type;
hash.dataType = "json";
return PromiseMixin.promise(url, type, hash);
Current my controller always falls into the "fail" state (even when my ajax method returns a 204 and is successful). How can I do a "chained promise" return from this remove method in my model to enable controllers to invoke it as a "thenable" like I have above?
Couldn't you do something like this?
remove: function(store, appointment) {
var self= this;
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve,reject) {
self.xhr('/api/appointments/99/', 'DELETE').then(function(arg) {
}, function(err) {