How can I get a list of imported/used packages of a Julia session?
list all installed packages. I'm interested in the ones that that were imported/loaded via using ...
or import ...
It seems that whos()
contains the relevant information (the names and whether it is a module or not). Can the output of whos()
be captured in a variable?
using Lazy
children(m::Module) =
@>> names(m, true) map(x->m.(x)) filter(x->isa(x, Module) && x ≠ m)
will then give you a list of modules currently loaded.
Edit: I used Lazy.jl here for the thrush macro (@>>
), but you can rewrite it without easily enough:
children(m::Module) =
filter(x->isa(x, Module) && x ≠ m, map(x->m.(x), names(m, true)))
Alternatively you could add && x ≠ Lazy
to the filter
to avoid including it.