
ITRS Geneos monitoring

We are using Geneos to monitor our servers and processes.

We have a requirement to display 'agedays' column i.e. the time since process has been running in Geneos display view. As per geneos help, agedays is predefined attribute.

Does anyone has any idea on how to configure this?


  • If your netprobe is running on a Windows server you can use the toolkit plug-in to call a powershell script which returns the required data in csv format. A simple powershell script to get processes information would be:

    $Now = GET-DATE
    Get-Process | 
    Select-Object id, name, starttime , @{n="AgeDays";e={NEW-TIMESPAN –Start $_.starttime –End $Now}} | 
    Sort-Object id |
    ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation