I found a little function on a website here http://jmorano.moretrix.com/2010/08/calculate-netmask-in-perl I am using it, but it does not produce the same thing as he gets.
I am putting a CIDR address in a variable like this :
The function should return something like
But instead, it returns
The only thing that i modified in the function is
my($network, $netbit) = split ///, $subnet;
my($network, $netbit) = split /\//, $subnet;
and the return is just changed into "print"
return $netmask;
TO print "$netmask \n" ;
I guess there's something wrong in here
my $_bit = ( 2 ** (32 - $netbit) ) - 1;
Because when i print $_bit i just have "255"
But i can't figure what is it.
One more backslash needed,
my ($full_mask) = unpack( "N", pack( "C4", split(/\./, '') ) );
although it would make more sense as
my ($full_mask) = unpack( "N", pack( "C4", 255,255,255,255 ) );
my ($full_mask) = unpack( "N", pack( "C4", (255) x4 ) );