i've got an object with a ManyToMany-relation to an other object via a collection in Typo3 Flow. After create a new instance of that object (which is successfully added to the repository) I can simply add to this collection.
Code snippet of abc Model:
* @var \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection<[..]\Domain\Model\Xyz>
* @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="[..]\Domain\Model\Xyz")
protected $xyzs;
public function getXYZs() {
return $this->xyzs;
public function addXYZ([..]\Domain\Model\Xyz $xyz) {
public function removeXYZ([..]\Domain\Model\Xyz $xyz) {
The problem is that I can't add to this collection before I add it to the repository. (That happens because of non-existing foreign keys I guess).
Code snippet of abc controller (doesn't work!):
public function addAction([...]\$newABC)
//the line below returns "can't use contains() / add() on a non-object"
The xyz collection doesn't exist in the abc controller until the addAction() is finished completely. But how can I add to this collection before the addAction() is done?
The final solution needs a little work arround: I take $newABC, $someXYZ and some reference stuff via a redirect to a PROTECTED! function in the same controller. (if not protected you could call it with url)
There the persistence manager allready persisted the $newABC. So there I easily can add the $someXYZ and finaly redirect it with my reference to the place I like to go.