I have 2 app servers with a loadbalancer in front of them and 1 database server in my system. I'm provisioning them using Ansible. App servers has Nginx + Passenger and running for a Rails app. Will use capistrano for deployment but I have an issue about ssh keys. My git repo is in another server and I have to generate ssh public keys on appservers and add them to the Git server(To authorized_keys file). How can I do this in ansible playbook?
PS: I may have more than 2 app servers.
Take a look to the authorized_key module for getting info on how to manage your public keys.
The most straightforward solution I can think of would be to generate a fresh key pair for your application, to be shared accross all your app instances. This may have security implications (you are indeed sharing keys between all instances!), but it'll simplify a lot the provisioning process.
You'll also require a deploy user on each app machine, to be used later on during deployment process. You'll need your public key (or jenkins one) on each deploy user's authorized_keys
A sketch playbook:
- name: ensure app/deploy public key is present on git server
hosts: gitserver
- name: ensure app public key
user: "{{ git_user }}"
key: app_keys/id_dsa.pub
state: present
- name: provision app servers
hosts: appservers
- name: ensure app/deploy user is present
name: "{{ deploy_user }}"
state: present
- name: ensure you'll be able to deploy later on
user: "{{ deploy_user }}"
key: "{{ path_to_your_public_key }}"
state: present
- name: ensure private key and public one are present
src: keys/myapp.private
dest: "/home/{{ deploy_user }}/.ssh/{{ item }}"
mode: 0600
- app_keys/id_dsa.pub
- app_keys/id_dsa