In Exchange Server 2007 and later i.e. Exchange Server 2010,2013 , i have find all the information related to Exchange like, name of all the mailboxes and distribution groups using cmdlet commands as
All these I can achieve using Exchange Management Shell commands in Exchange Server 2007, 2010, 2013.
How can i retrieve all the data like mailboxes, mailuser, Message delivery reports, all email addresses on the server in exchange server 2003. And how to select only meaningful attributes.
For example:
get list of message that have subject like "Exchange server"
get-messagetrackinglog -messagesubject "Exchange server"
this gives me information about sender, receiver, and many more attributes of all the messages that have message subject "Exchange server" ,
How can i find this type of information in Exchange Server 2003. Could I use ADSI editor for all these information.
You can use WMI for this, for WMI please click here. The message tracking log class found here.