When I am using Choregraphe for NAO Robot's 3D/Computer-Generated view (the simulation) I get an error with the Record Video and Speech Recognition functions.
The errors are:
[ERROR] behavior.box :onLoad:22 _Behavior__lastUploadedChoregrapheBehaviorbehavior_11803614104__root__RecordVideo_3__RecordVideo_4: ALProxy::ALProxy
Can't find service: ALVideoRecorder
[ERROR] behavior.box :__init__:10 _Behavior__lastUploadedChoregrapheBehaviorbehavior_11803614104__root__SpeechReco_16: ALProxy::ALProxy
Can't find service: ALSpeechRecognition
Picture of Choregraphe View
That is because when you are using the "virtual Nao" you cannot access to the camera or the speech recognition functions (no microphone or camera available)