
roundcube Forgot password plugin

in the README part of the plugin it says: To show the link "forgot my password" it necessary to activate the taskbar plugin or change the div to append the link in js/forgot_password.js I couldn't find task bar plugin? does any one know how should I get it ? and also how can I change the div to append that link? Is there any one who has used this plugin ?


  • the problem is solved i just add a div in login page and appended the link in js/forgot_password.js like below:

    there is no taskbar plugin available now !(I couldn't find any)

        function forgot_password(){
          document.location.href = "./?_task=settings&_action=plugin.forgot_password_reset&_username=" + escape($('#rcmloginuser').val());
        }}$(document).ready(function($){$('#forgot-password-place').append('<a class="home" id="forgot_password" href="javascript:forgot_password();">' + rcmail.gettext('forgotpassword','forgot_password') + '</a>');});

    this adds a link to login page for forgot password.