
toplink migration installer The system cannot find path specified

I have to migrate Toplink 11g to Toplink 12.1.3. I downloaded Toplink migration installer as per instructions and try to ran command.

  1. I ran from the directory where i installed. C:\Toplink\toplink\utils\rename>
  2. I have workspace called 'weblogicmigration' which has toplink packages, on which i want to run migration installer.

My command: packageRename C:/workspace/WeblogicMigration c:/test

But it is giving following error about system path.

C:\Toplink\toplink\utils\rename>~1\bin\java -Xmx256M -classpath C:\Toplink\topli nk\utils\rename\package-rename.jar org.eclipse.persistence.utils.rename.MigrateT opLinkToEclipseLink C:\WORKSP~1\WEBLOG~1 c:\Test C:\Toplink\toplink\utils\rename \ The system cannot find the path specified.

I tried this with toplink 12.1.3 and EclipseLink exe files, but same issue. Please help.


  • It requires that properties file

    to rule out typos, type full path to java.exe, folders etc and use " " to wrap directories with spaces

    make sure you have JAVA_HOME set