In my game, I am using a boolean variable called
and it is set to true everytime the game starts. I also have an int variable called
which is set to 180 when game starts. These are used to portray the text "Prepare for Wave X" on the screen for a set amount of time. Since onScreenTime is 180, and the fps is 60, the text is only displayed for 2 seconds. After 2 seconds have passed, onScreen is set to false, and the game continues. The code:
if (onScreen){
g.setFont(new Font("Geneva", Font.BOLD, 50));
g.drawString("Prepare for wave: " + currentLevel,400,500);
draws the text on the screen only when onScreen = true. The following code is in the update() method and manipulates the two variables mentioned so far:
if (onScreenTime == 0){
onScreen = false;
Basically, onScreenTime is decreased by 1 every time update() is called (60 times a second) and if it is equal to 0, then onScreen = false. Then in the same update() method, I have two if statements which should be pretty self-explanatory:
if (score > 500){
currentLevel = 2;
onScreen = true;
onScreenTime = 180;
if (score > 1000){
currentLevel = 3;
onScreen = true;
onScreenTime = 180;
And finally, in the same update() method, I have
if (currentLevel == 1 && onScreen == false){
if (currentLevel == 2 && onScreen == false){
if (currentLevel == 3 && onScreen == false){
currentLevel decides the enemy, their drawn image, how many are drawn on a screen at a time, and how often they spawn. wave() is a method that creates the waves for each level. It is represented by:
public void wave(int amount, Image i, int seconds){
for (int x = amount; x > 0; x--){
if (frameCount % seconds == 0){
Random r = new Random();
int randX = r.nextInt(width - 20)+10;
army.add(new EnemyShip(randX,(int)(Math.random()*100)-300,enemyH,enemyW,i,10));
i is image, enemyH and enemyW = 30, and the 10 is life. That will be changed later. My issue is that once the text "Prepare for wave: 2" shows up, it does not disappear. The first "Prepare for wave: 1" works and disappears fine, but the second does not, thus no enemies will be spawned.
EDIT: As pointed out in the comments, I wrote 2 seconds, and it should be for 3. EDIT: I changed my previous method to this:
if (onScreenTime <= 0){
onScreen = false;
onScreenTime = 180;
and also changed previous method to this:
if (score == 500){
currentLevel = 2;
onScreen = true;
onScreenTime = 180;
if (score == 1000){
currentLevel = 3;
onScreen = true;
onScreenTime = 180;
The score goes up by 20 for every hit. I believe the problem was that I had it set to if(score > 500) instead of == 500.
Try changing
if (onScreenTime == 0){
onScreen = false;
if (onScreenTime <= 0){
onScreen = false;
onScreenTime = 180;
A race condition can cause onScreenTime getting below zero, causing hard to track issues.
resetting onScreenTime back to 180 will (most likely) make your current problem disappear.
Since onScreenTime is 180, and the fps is 60, the text is only displayed for 2 seconds.
I expect it to be 3 seconds: 180/60=?