
OpenJPA Enhancement in Play Framework

We are trying to set up Play Framework 2.3.3 with OpenJPA. We are unable to make Runtime or Build Time enhancement work. OpenJPA works when setting the RuntimeUnenhancedClasses property to supported in persistance.xml, but that's not recommended for production and is a no-go. We tried using the javaagent JVM parameter with no luck like this:

activator -J-javaagent:lib/openjpa-all-2.3.0.jar run.

How can the enhancer be configured?


  • Thank you for your advice.

    Here is the solution for the problem:

    in buid.sbt should be added this PCEnhancer call

    lazy val enhance = taskKey[Unit]("Enhances model classes")
    enhance <<= (fullClasspath in Runtime, runner, streams).map({(cp, run, s) =>
      // only files from classpath are needed
      val classpath = cp.files
      // any options that need to be passed to the enhancer
      val options = Seq()
      // returns an option of errormessage
      val result ="org.apache.openjpa.enhance.PCEnhancer", classpath, options, s.log)
      // if case of errormessage, throw an exception
    }) triggeredBy(compile in Compile)