I have tried to make a slider to move left to right in a cycle, only the first div works, it moves out and everything comes to a stops.
you can see the working example here
$(document).ready(function () {
var delay = 3000,
fade = 1000;
var banners = $('.banner');
var len = banners.length;
var i = 0;
setTimeout(cycle, delay);
function cycle() {
$(banners[i % len]).hide("slide", {
direction: "left"
(fade, function () {
$(banners[++i % len]).show("slide", {
direction: "right"
(fade, function () {
setTimeout(cycle, delay);
Thank You
perhaps this is what you need: Updated Fiddle
first, this code of yours is never called
(fade, function () {
$(banners[++i % len]).show("slide", {
direction: "right"
(fade, function () {
setTimeout(cycle, delay);
this cause the cycle
function will only trigger once, since you use setTimeout
, so in your case which need to loop it over and over every x
seconds, it's better to use setInterval
, so change
setTimeout(cycle, delay);
setInterval(cycle, delay);
then for the cycle
function, change your code to this
function cycle() {
$(banners[i % len]).hide("slide", {
direction: "left"
$(banners[++i % len]).show("slide", {
direction: "right"
and it's done, your code will be working now. But because the .banner
is a div
which is a block
element, the .banner
will be in 2 line when the 2nd div
showed before the 1st div
is hidden
, so you need to add style
position: absolute;
to the .banner
so it will show up in the same line