
Pre-processing Source Code before slicing using Frama-c

Iam trying to compare the source code with the sliced code, but frama-c normalizes the code at parsing time which makes the sliced code statements not identical to the source code statements.

Is it possible to Pre-processes the code using frama-c so that when I slice it using a criteria the resulting sliced statements can be compared to the pre-processed statements?



  • Is it possible to Pre-processes the code using frama-c …


    Use frama-c … -print -ocode prep.c to pre-process. Here is an example:


    static uint32_t func_1(void)
        int64_t l_9 = 0xA9D6923607A98815LL;
        int32_t *l_10 = &g_11;
        int32_t *l_12 = (void*)0;
        int32_t **l_13 = (void*)0;
        int32_t **l_14 = &l_12;
        uint16_t l_15 = 0UL;
        int16_t *l_16 = &g_17;
        uint16_t l_25 = 0x7847L;
        uint8_t *l_36 = &g_37;
        uint32_t *l_335 = &g_92;
        uint32_t *l_336[2];
        uint8_t *l_522 = &g_523;
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            l_336[i] = (void*)0;

    Normalized version obtained with frama-c original.c -print -ocode prep.c:

    static uint32_t func_1(void)
      uint32_t __retres;
      int64_t l_9;
      int32_t *l_10;
      int32_t *l_12;
      int32_t **l_13;
      int32_t **l_14;
      uint16_t l_15;
      int16_t *l_16;
      uint16_t l_25;
      uint8_t *l_36;
      uint32_t *l_335;
      uint32_t *l_336[2];
      uint8_t *l_522;
      int i;
      int32_t *tmp_11;
      int16_t tmp_1;
      int32_t *tmp_0;
      int16_t tmp;
      uint8_t tmp_10;
      uint8_t tmp_9;
      int tmp_8;
      uint8_t tmp_7;
      int32_t *tmp_6;
      int64_t tmp_5;
      int tmp_4;
      uint32_t tmp_3;
      uint32_t tmp_2;
      l_9 = (long long)0xA9D6923607A98815LL;
      l_10 = & g_11;
      l_12 = (int32_t *)((void *)0);
      l_13 = (int32_t **)((void *)0);
      l_14 = & l_12;
      l_15 = (unsigned short)0UL;
      l_16 = & g_17;
      l_25 = (unsigned short)0x7847L;
      l_36 = & g_37;
      l_335 = & g_92;
      l_522 = & g_523;
      i = 0;
      while (i < 2) {
        l_336[i] = (uint32_t *)((void *)0);
        i ++;

    The differences caused by any Frama-C transformation applied to the program are much easier to read by comparing the result to prep.c.