I was wondering if any one has an implementation of the bull eye for the left ventricle according to the American Heart Association using matplotlib. I want something like this:
plotBullEye(data) where data has 17 values, each value correspond to a particular region of the bull eye.
Finally I implemented a function using polar projection. Also, this function accept a list of region to highlight. This is the code:
def bulleye_plot(data, ax=None, figsize=(12,8), vlim=None, segBold=[]):
Bull eye for the Left Ventricle according to the AHA representation
Use Example:
data = range(17)
data = np.array(data).ravel()
if vlim is None:
vlim = [data.min(), data.max()]
axnone = False
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, subplot_kw=dict(projection='polar'))
fig.canvas.set_window_title('Left Ventricle Bull Eyes (AHA) Plot')
axnone = True
theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 768)
r = np.linspace(0.2, 1, 4)
# Armamos los bordes del circulo
linewidth = 2
for i in range(r.shape[0]):
ax.plot(theta, np.repeat(r[i], theta.shape), '-k', lw=linewidth)
# Armamos las lineas que separan las regiones 1-12
for i in range(6):
theta_i = i * 60 * np.pi/180
ax.plot([theta_i, theta_i], [r[1], 1], '-k', lw=linewidth)
# Armamos las lineas que separan las regiones 13-16
for i in range(4):
theta_i = i * 90 * np.pi/180 - 45*np.pi/180
ax.plot([theta_i, theta_i], [r[0], r[1]], '-k', lw=linewidth)
# Rellenamos las regiones 1-6
r0 = r[2:4]
r0 = np.repeat(r0[:,np.newaxis], 128, axis=1).T
for i in range(6):
theta0 = theta[i*128:i*128+128] + 60*np.pi/180 # sumamos 60 porque empieza en la reg 6
theta0 = np.repeat(theta0[:,np.newaxis], 2, axis=1)
z = np.ones((128,2)) * data[i]
ax.pcolormesh(theta0, r0, z, vmin=vlim[0], vmax=vlim[1])
if i+1 in segBold:
ax.plot(theta0, r0, '-k', lw=linewidth+2)
ax.plot(theta0[0], [r[2],r[3]], '-k', lw=linewidth+1)
ax.plot(theta0[-1], [r[2],r[3]], '-k', lw=linewidth+1)
# Rellenamos las regiones 7-12
r0 = r[1:3]
r0 = np.repeat(r0[:,np.newaxis], 128, axis=1).T
for i in range(6):
theta0 = theta[i*128:i*128+128] + 60*np.pi/180 # sumamos 60 porque empieza en la reg 6
theta0 = np.repeat(theta0[:,np.newaxis], 2, axis=1)
z = np.ones((128,2)) * data[i+6]
ax.pcolormesh(theta0, r0, z, vmin=vlim[0], vmax=vlim[1])
if i+7 in segBold:
ax.plot(theta0, r0, '-k', lw=linewidth+2)
ax.plot(theta0[0], [r[1],r[2]], '-k', lw=linewidth+1)
ax.plot(theta0[-1], [r[1],r[2]], '-k', lw=linewidth+1)
# Rellenamos las regiones 13-16
r0 = r[0:2]
r0 = np.repeat(r0[:,np.newaxis], 192, axis=1).T
for i in range(4):
theta0 = theta[i*192:i*192+192] + 45*np.pi/180 # sumamos 60 porque empieza en la reg 6
theta0 = np.repeat(theta0[:,np.newaxis], 2, axis=1)
z = np.ones((192,2)) * data[i+12]
ax.pcolormesh(theta0, r0, z, vmin=vlim[0], vmax=vlim[1])
if i+13 in segBold:
ax.plot(theta0, r0, '-k', lw=linewidth+2)
ax.plot(theta0[0], [r[0],r[1]], '-k', lw=linewidth+1)
ax.plot(theta0[-1], [r[0],r[1]], '-k', lw=linewidth+1)
#Rellenamos la region 17
if data.size == 17:
r0 = np.array([0, r[0]])
r0 = np.repeat(r0[:,np.newaxis], theta.size, axis=1).T
theta0 = np.repeat(theta[:,np.newaxis], 2, axis=1)
z = np.ones((theta.size,2)) * data[16]
ax.pcolormesh(theta0, r0, z, vmin=vlim[0], vmax=vlim[1])
if 17 in segBold:
ax.plot(theta0, r0, '-k', lw=linewidth+2)
ax.set_ylim([0, 1])
#Add legend
if axnone:
cm = plt.cm.jet
#define the bins and normalize
cNorm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=vlim[0], vmax=vlim[1])
ax = fig.add_axes([0.3, 0.04, 0.45, 0.05])
ticks = [vlim[0], 0, vlim[1]]
cb = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax, cmap=cm, norm=cNorm,
orientation='horizontal', ticks=ticks)
if axnone:
return fig, ax
Some results: