I have a button on my form that is labeled Speak, when user clicks on it synth.SpeakAsync(Textbox.text)
is fired, and the button changes its text to "Stop Speaking".
However when a user clicks on stop speaking, thereby firing the synth.speakAsyncCancelAll()
it doesn't cancel the speech mid text.
Private Sub btnSpeak_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSpeak.Click
If RTextBox.Text = "" Then Exit Sub
Dim synth As New SpeechSynthesizer
synth.Rate = -2
If btnSpeak.Text = "Stop Speaking" Then
btnSpeak.Text = "Speak"
ElseIf btnSpeak.Text = "Speak" Then
btnSpeak.Text = "Stop Speaking"
End If
Every time you click the button a new speech synthesizer is being created. Take the dim synth as new speech synthesizer out of the button click event. this way it will refer to the same synthesizer each time and it should then fire the speech cancelled event