
How do I get the id of the selected node in jsTree?

How can I get the id of the selected node in a jsTree?

function createNewNode() {
  var tree = $.tree.reference("#basic_html");
  selectedNodeId = xxxxxxxxx; //insert instruction to get id here
  tree.create({ data : "New Node Name" }, selectedNodeId);


  • Nodes in jsTree are essentially wrapped list items. This will get you a reference to the first one.

    var n = $.tree.focused().get_node('li:eq(0)')

    You can replace $.tree.focused() if you have a reference to the tree.

    To get the id, take the first matched element

    if (n.length)
        id = n[0].id

    or you can use the jQuery attr function, which works on the first element in the set

    id = n.attr('id');