I'm using Backbone.js, Marionette.js and Backbone-relational on a page that displays lists of users. Each user is identified as either "pending" or "active." A "pending" user is one that has been sent an invitation to join (the party) but has not accepted; "active" are those who have confirmed. The list of pending users is fetched by one API call and the list of active users is fetched by another.
So here's the situation:
A user, let's call him "Miguel", is fetched into the collection of active users. But if a "pending" user who has the same ID as Miguel is fetched to the collection of pending users, Miguel will receive the attribute "Status":"pending". I can verify that Miguel is not fetched into (or passed to the parse function of--) the collection of pending users.
So I'm wondering whether Backbone relational has problems having relationships to two collections whose model IDs sometimes match each other.
To illustrate:
If Collection of active users: { Id: 22, 'FirstName': 'Miguel' }
And Collection of pending users: { Id: 22, 'FirstName': 'Betty', 'Status': 'Pending' }
Then Miguel winds up looking like: { Id: 22, 'FirstName': 'Miguel', 'Status': 'Pending' }
Here's the code for my model and collection:
* "NV" is a base class we created for this application. It handles .save(), .toPatchJSON(), tracks changed attrs and other such functions.
* This is the collection of "pending" users
var PendingUsers = NV.Collection.extend({
model: User,
initialize: function(models, options) {
this.org = options.org;
url: function() {
return "/api/organization/" + this.org.get("Id") + "/invites";
parse: function(resp, options) {
// "Miguel" never shows up in this function yet obtains the "Pending" Status property.
return _.map(resp, function(invite) {
return {
Id: invite.Id,
FirstName: invite.FirstName,
LastName: invite.LastName,
Email: invite.Email,
InvitationTime: invite.InvitationTime + "+00:00",
Status: 'Pending'
* This is the collection of "active" users
var ActiveUsers = NV.Collection.extend({
model: User,
initialize: function(models, options) {
this.org = options.org;
url: function() {
return "/api/organization/" + this.org.get("Id") + "/users";
* The collections of active and pending users are relations of the "Organization" model. This is what's passed to the View that renders the list of users.
var Organization = NV.Model.extend({
defaults: {
Name: ''
relations: [
type: Backbone.HasMany,
key: 'Users',
relatedModel: User,
collectionType: ActiveUsers,
collectionOptions: function(org) {
return {'org': org };
type: Backbone.HasMany,
key: 'InvitedUsers',
relatedModel: User,
collectionType: PendingUsers,
collectionOptions: function(org) {
return {'org': org };
urlRoot: "/api/organization"
return Organization;
* Both pending and active collections build from the User model, so here it is
var User = NV.Model.extend({
schema: {
Name: 'Text',
Email: { validators: ['required', 'email'] },
password: 'Password'
defaults: {
FirstName: '',
LastName: '',
Email: ''
fetch: function(options) {
this.me = options.me || false;
avatar: function(options){
return "/api/user/" + this.get("Id") + "/avatar";
url: function() {
if (this.me) return "/api/user/me";
return "/api/user/" + this.get("Id");
return User;
Let me know if I've failed to include important info. in this question! And thanks!
You are right, Backbone.Relational has a problem with that. Behind the scenes it's keeping a global collection of all models of given type - in this case all Users. What happens when you fetch is actually Backbone behavior. It recognizes that you are feching into existing collection ( the global one ), finds a model with same ID and attempts to merge data, which results in "Status" attribute on the "Miguel" model.
This is usually a desired functionality as keeping multiple models of same type with same id often indicates some problem or suboptimal data loading.
A quick workaround would be to create additional User 'class', like PendingUser, by extending User.